For those who follow the Civic Trust on our social media platforms, you will have noticed that we’ve been very focused on the Bootham / Gillygate / St. Leonard’s Place road junction recently. This is due to City of York Council putting forward two consultation options for members of the public to consider. One option offered like-for-like changes; the other option offered a safer road option, especially for cyclists and pedestrians, as well as widening of the public realm in front of Bootham Bar, with only a small amount of added congestion – a clear improvement in our view.
Armed with analysis of the Trust’s Transport Advisory Group, we have led an active social media campaign focusing on the transport benefits of the second option. But what a great opportunity this is to re-imagine the area as a place, not just about movement through it and away from it as swiftly as possible. Given the historic structures at the junction – the City Walls and Bootham Bar, the De Grey Rooms, the Art Gallery, and Queen Margaret’s arch (formerly an access route to St Mary’s Abbey) – this junction really does need attention to make it fit for purpose as part of our great city.
The response to the social media campaign has been greatly encouraging – with 1,916 engagements and over 100 comments on Twitter alone. We look forward to the outcome of the Council’s consultation.