York’s boundaries once stopped short of the villages on its outskirts. The city authorities installed boundary stones at the city limits. Many of these survive across what is now a much-enlarged York.
Now covered up, one such boundary stone was until recently visible in the car park of the Regent Cinema (the building is now Acomb’s Co-op). Acomb was in West Yorkshire until 1937.
Responding to local residents and councillors, the Civic Trust would like to unearth and reveal this hidden piece of Acomb’s history.
Modern tarmac will need to removed and a new setting made for the stone alongside some interpretation to make sure it is not forgotten anew.
York Civic Trust will be working with the landowner, City of York Council and local history groups.
To complement this project, the Civic Trust and its members are looking to survey and record nearly 100 boundary stones spread across York.
Many of these markers could be easily overlooked and mistaken as rubble, and quickly become heritage at risk if their survival is not better publicised.
If you would like to find out how you can be involved in this project then please do email us at: info@yorkcivictrust.co.uk