York Civic Trust welcomes the draft Local Transport Strategy published by City of York Council in February 2023. This is the next step in a process that York Civic Trust has supported the council for over two years. As part of this work the Civic Trust through it Transport Advisory Group published its own thoughts in A Transport strategy for York to help discussion and debate. You can read a summary of the strategy here and complete strategy can be downloaded.
The City of York Council’s Climate Change Strategy has an ambition to for the city to be carbon neutral by 2o30 – less that eight years away. Changing how we move around the city will be a significant part of the measures that will be needed to achieve this ambition.
The Civic Trust works closely with specialist interest groups and with residents, visitors and commuters to put together its views so that they can be as balanced as possible. To find out more about how we work then follow this link.
Our work on transport is led by Professor Tony May, Emeritus Professor of Transport Engineering at the University of Leeds, who has fifty years’ experience in the development of urban transport policy. He in turn draws on the specialist skills of a number of Trust members, whose expertise includes environmental and safety impacts, public transport operation, traffic signal control and transport modelling. We also work closely with specialist groups, including York Bus Forum, York Cycling Campaign, York Environment Forum and York Walk Cycle Forum to share skills and avoid duplicating our efforts.