On Sunday 29 April, York Civic Trust completed its major City Enhancement Project of 2018 to install a permanent banner at the entrance to Fossgate. These exclusive photographs show the story of the day behind the scenes of the installation.
The road was closed from 6am to allow the Fossgate Banner to be installed
Eyeing up the prospective task
Our team got to work early on Fossgate
The first task was to remove the plastic banner
Down at last
Nick Beilby discards the old plastic sign
The new banner is put into harness
Getting ready for the lift
The banner is checked before putting into place
Site Manager Jim Taylor keeps an eye on proceedings
The Fossgate Banner
Up and away
The Fossgate Banner in place between The Terrace and Sutler’s
A contemporary, light design for a modern, independent street
The official dedication ceremony to the banner will take place on Sunday 6 May with the unveiling of a blue plaque at the start of the year’s first Fossgate Festival at 12pm. Representatives from York Civic Trust and York BID will unveil the plaque.